
Wonderful Indonesia | North Sumatra

Wonderful Indonesia | North Sumatra

Wonderful Indonesia | North Sumatra

Sumatra Utara Wak, Kampung Halaman. Suara Sulingnya itu yang bikin Rindu.

North Sumatra | Sumatra Utara

Home to a diverse array of cultures and a fascinating kaleidescope of Indonesian life, the region of North Sumatra has many wonders to explore. North Sumatra's specacular natural beauty spreads from the magnificent Lake Toba, the biggest lake in Southeast Asia, to the jungle of Bukit Lawang which organgutans make their home. The natural and cultural wonders here make this is a region to come and have a true adventure

Locations :

Danau Toba,Istana Maimun,Samosir,Gunung Lauser,Tari Tor-tor,Ruma Bolon,Ulos,Bukit Lawang,Orang Utan,Sipiso piso,Taman Nasional Gunung Lauser,Desa Tuk-tuk Siaandong, Samosir,Patung Sigale-Gale,Makam Raja Sidabutar,Rumah Adat Batak Toba,Desa Tomok,Kain Ulos,Kerajinan Tenun,Bentor,Kuliner,Keragaman budaya,Arsitektur Sejarah, Sumatra.
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